Hey there, and thanks for joining me here at Blazing Pants. You remember me from Really Big Mean Bunny Slippers, I'm the bunny but with a fun new home here.
Catfish abound, especially with the proliferation of social networks. I hate catfish. I really do. But there are more than catfish out there. The Liars are a breed of their own. They come on all shapes and sizes and they have one thing in common; they're after something from you. The motivations for the lies can vary from the pond scum fish variety that get their kicks out of leading you down a garden path to their murky little swamps and maybe grabbing a few bucks on the way, to the really big Liars who want to fool you for personal gains such as - oh let's say getting away with murder, taking a country to war or getting really, really rich and famous.
I swiped the Truth-O-Meter from Politifact, because it's so freaking awesome and you will see, as with the bunny blog, there will be mockings as punishments.
The pond scum variety, I've covered fairly extensively in the original Really Big Mean Bunny Slippers blog and while they are annoying, hurtful and full of delusions of grandeur they have a screw loose somewhere and derive pleasure from deception. Maybe it inflates their sense of self-worth for a few minutes or perhaps they like to dig their catfish snouts into the false pity they generate from their ever more outlandish stories. These catfish, one can just pull up onto the bank out of the muck and watch them suffocate in the clear air around them. Their pretenses, once brought to light, fade and die a natural death. Most likely they'll pop up again with a new scheme, a new identity and a whole new set of lies, though. A catfish, unless permanently stopped is like a cockroach, damned near impossible to obliterate. Take Belle Gibson, for instance (she makes the big bad dog look like a simpleton at catfishing) who faked cancer in such a big way that she had a bestselling book and was in development with Apple itself for a new App when she was outed. Read about this chick here (keeping in mind that this was apparently NOT her first fraud!) Belle Gibson On the Truth-O-Meter-Scale gets a Pants on Fire rating.
On the other end of the Spectrum we have those folks like Dr Oz who is a dangerous (not that Belle and the dog are safe) Liar because he peddles snake oil cures and people may actually risk their health and lives buying in to his garbage, because after all, he's a doctor. Oprah said so. Dr Oz is currently learning to pay the price for being a Liar (to read about it click here) who will shill for any product based on the highest bidder, knowing full well, the crap he sells is worse than crap. It's shit. What makes him NOT a garden variety catfish is that we know who he is. He hasn't invented his life to make a buck. He's worse, he sold his real reputation for a buck. On the Truth-O-Meter-Scale, Oz gets a Pants on Fire rating.

And Finally the category I will discuss is those who personally inflict physical harm on others. They may be Liars to lure their prey as in the Christopher Lee/Erin Corwin case. Or they may be Liars by nature as in Stabby Arias. If you came here from the Bunny blog, you are already familiar with Stabby so no links or further explanations are necessary! We KNOW she gets a Pants on Fire rating on the Truth-O-Meter scale. Who I want to talk about is Shayna Hubers. Her case is eerily familiar to those who followed the Stabby Arias trial. I haven't heard all of the evidence yet, since the judge in her case is limiting media and social media coverage of her murder trial. That judge is a smart guy that learned from the circus in Arizona.
Shayna Hubers is on trial for the murder of her 'boyfriend' (I use quotes because others claim they had already split - sound familiar) who she murdered with 6 bullets on his own home and then claimed self-defense. Holy SHIT Batman - did she watch the Stabby Arias movie, like juror 17 and believe it was true? It was on the Lifetime Channel after all. I heard that all their stuff is true. Just like the Internet. Anywho - I cannot yet give her a rating on the Truth-O-Meter Scale since, well, there's a lot more to come.
Tomorrow, I will give you the story right from the horse's mouth. I sent in an earworm to nuzzle in her brain and report back. I'll give you the whole scoop. Initial reports are that she was saving him money on a nosejob. Honest. Would I lie to you? I sure hope you'll join me for a completely tasteless and irreverent romp over catfish and Liars, the world over.
That's All Folks!
PS - While I am still your faithful Bunny, I no longer Piece the fuck out. It was really so 9th grade anyway. Now I bait hooks. See you soon!
Entertaining as always. I give it 2 olives, shaken not stirred. The sad fact about people like Belle is she has made people who believed she had cancer, question the authenticity of real cancer patients who actually do need help. Cancer cant be treated with running laps or just drinking a lot of water.
ReplyDeleteI agree Karla - and I will see those olives and raise you a catfish!
DeleteBrava! I'm a cancer survivor and read your link to Belle yesterday. It sickened me. bitchhofish. Sorry. Not. Anyway, thanks for coming back to clue me in. I've learned so much; the pain was worth it. AnonDeUSA
ReplyDeletebitchofish. I LOVE that, I'm going to steal it. - learned about swiping the good bits from a catfish by the way!
DeleteSoooo...how can this be a legitimate blog if it doesn't have a Donate button?? Could it be that you have an actual vested interest in exposing these Con Artists, without monetary expectation, in your quest to shine the light on them?
ReplyDeleteI applaud you for being an intelligent, exceptional and selfless Human Being and look forward to reading more. I am also so sorry about your little Kitty.
God Damn It. I knew I forgot something....BRB.
Delete(thanks, I miss Bear so much, but she hated catfish too, and she was an exceptionally cool cat.)
I agree about Dr. Oz. I also think he's very condescending to women on his show. Maybe to men, too, but that didn't stand out as much. I really do look for the truth. Even the inconvenient ones, so it's not always pleasant. I have to say that I am getting antsy for you to figure out that one of the biggest catfishes of all is Ms. Christine Beswick! I doubt you'll post this, but that's okay.
DeleteSurprise! I don't have moderation on this blog and hope not to have to use it here. I agree with you about the man from OZ. He's arrogant and condescending, especially to women. When you go for the big brass ring, your game will eventually be uncovered.
DeleteChristine is not a catfish. You may not agree with her posts, but she is a woman who is working for a living to support herself and her family. That to me is not catfishing.
And please, you are welcome here Sandra, but only if we stay on topic - deal? Next up is Shayna Hubers. I will be curious to hear everyone's take on that.
Thank you, Bunny. I can't speak to what you said about Christine, because that part is not what interests me. It's her false statements about me and others that bother me. Sorry.
DeleteI know next to nothing about Shayna, except that it looks like social media and mainstream media are going down the same "guilty" before the trial starts or more than a smidgen of the facts are known. I have no opinion on her guilt or innocence at this point. There is one similarity someone just pointed out to me, though, with Jodi. Both the guys appear to have had an unregistered gun in their house. Not proven with Travis of course but folks can and will speculate on both sides. That much I am sure of! Ha!
SW: Apparently you do not even know what a catfish is. It seems that's what you call everybody when you can't find anything accurate about them. But clearly my personal matters are interesting to you since you became known to me after you sent someone to hack my FB for photos of me and my family to use for your own personal pleasure. Are you capable of speaking truthfully and without agenda? I wonder if you would even be interesting if you were. You came here with your agenda to slam me, that's the only thing you have made clear here. The people have spoken, nobody's interested. Next!
DeleteRBMBS, Could you please go back to moderating your comments? I tire of people who are consumed with negativity and who's sole purpose in life is to trash others. Thank you and I really love your blog!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous no worries. Nobody cares what Sandra thinks anyway. She just wants people to think she's alive, which actually she isn't. Sanrdra is just a lost soul who has what she deserves, which is nothing.
DeleteThank you so much for this B-- I want to call you Bunny, what do I do now?? Your pants are certainly not blazing so I won't call you that. I guess we have to go back to Duchess. J'adore your quest for the truth and facts. Thank you so much for this and for your true spirit! It sparkles in a cloud of soul-less dust that is for sure. This was quite eye opening and your descriptions are so accurate and spot on. You certainly know your catfish my dear, good hunting!! Haha my favorite part? It's a toss up between the 9th grade dig and how you put ALL catfishes to shame by highlighting Miss Bella's stunts. yah they got nuthin on her huh? Simpletons in comparison holy moly. I look forward to seeing how this plays out! Thanks so much for your awesome new blogs m'lady. Muah!
ReplyDeleteHi there! I am glad to see you writing and enjoyed your Blog. Well, I have opinions and here goes nothing.
ReplyDeleteI always seem to refuse opposing points of view- for example alternative medicine aka what Oz chooses to do. That being said, lo and behold, the Mayo Clinic has added for some time an alternative medicine approach to treating, almost every illness and disease. Okay, I do not choose those treatments, but when I did research many years ago, some... "SOME' approaches of alternative medicine fall in line with many naturopaths of today, and they follow back thousands of years.
To make my point, if some folks believe in it and refuse mainstream medical treatment, then all the best to them. I have watched some of his shows, not many, and he is wound up and talked so fast I had to PVR a show, to actually hear what he had to say.
I read about the woman who told e1 she had cancer and cured herself (each time) from running and I forget what else. Um, she wrote and sold a multitude of books. Cancer gets busy to 'break down' the functionality of the body- and affects activity levels almost immediately- from what I know of family and friends who have had and beat it. Not one person I knew jogged to chase their cancer away!
Catfish- world is full of them. They seem to know how to draw in and articulate to a 'specific minded' population of readers- gullible who believe people blindly.
I will state (because it came up in comments), I read a multitude of different writers, and I read CB because I enjoy her writing. That being said, I suspect others read her for the same reason as I do, and others who go there just to rile people up- usually never read one word- they have a one track mind "Break down the credibility of a writer/ journalist to HOPEFULLY demean and lower the substance of words and truths they present to the reader." That gig is older then time.
The problem for the nay sayers is- they have a few lines to state every last time- nothing new or even anything to substantiate claims.
I enjoy reading you Bunny aka Ms. Pants.
Your Bear was too precious for words- if I fell in amour from pictures and stories about him- one can only imagine the love he gave his family, up close and personal.
I see you have a Velcro cat- so cute!
You hit on important points here. Sadly, the people who need to read to believe, likely never will come here. (shrug) it happens.
Keep writing, and I sure will keep reading! Merci beaucoup Madame. Je suis tres heureux maintenat parce que tu fait le monde pense. Tres difficile pour bein! Salut!!
Oops I spoke French- next time German or maybe Gaelic!!