Blazing Pants

Blazing Pants
Blazing Pants are everywhere

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Shayna Hubers' Brain Worm

Hey there. As promised, I sent a worm into Shayna Hubers' brain to see what was really going on with this chick and to report back to us. Sorry the report is a little late but Wally, my worm, tells me that there are some real storms a-raging in there so it's a perilous journey.

Hey Wally, how are you?

Oh man, it's some crazy shit in there, Bunny.

How so?

Whelp, you have to get through a lot of old stuff before you get to what's going on now. I brought back some recordings for you though. Picked up some stuff from high school first - you want that?

If you think it's relevant, sure!

Well, not sure how relevant it is to poor Ryan's death but at least we can start to paint a picture of who this chick Shayna is - or at least thinks she is.

OK -, er, sorry - you know what I mean.

Here Goes:

"Well, I cannot believe them girls just cain't see how special Ah aim. Ah mean, Ah got talent. Ah'm smart and Ah got musical abilities to boot. Them girls just don't respect me. Ah'll show them though!"

A little later on I got this from her later years in High School: "Ah aim the best looking girl in this whole school now, so long as Ah make sho that mah makeup is perfect and my rockin' hot booty is displayed properly. Them girls don't know that Ah aim just kissing up to them to go to those cool parties and steal their boyfriends! Hah, and Ah done it too. Them bitches are just jealous now. Ah kicked their butts on facebook for sho! Course, then I hadda take mah facebook profile down for a coupla days but that's no bother, Ah'll just pop back up with a new one and make some more friends. Now that Ah'm hot AND smarter than them, they's easily fooled. Oh and if that boyfriend of that popular bitch makes a stink, Ah'll just accuse him of rapin' me. Hell, I KNOW all them boys wanna do it to me anyways, so it's kinda like it's true!"

OK Bunny, I need a little break. This shit gets awfully deep in there.

Oh just a little more. I think we can see that she has real issues - maybe some self-esteem issues that she blames on everyone else? No one ever said she was fat but she seems to be obsessed with being so 'hot', right?

It's a little more than that though - OK, here goes: "Well, AH NEVAH! I cannot believe that mah best friend didn't invite me to her party! Ah heard about it and went over and knocked on the door - just sweet as can be, and she wadn't even gonna let me in! Can you believe it? Ah mean, Ah've known this girl for almost 3 whole weeks now! Ah've told her mah life story and all about them boys who want me and how mah daddy was mean to me and well, just everything about me. And now she has the nerve to treat me like this? Well, Ah'll tell you - with the all them people there, I was NOT about to walk away, so Ah just shoved on past and walked on into that party. Course, it was just a bunch of folks sittin' around smoking some pot 'n all but Ah had me a pill and got me a drink and Ah just made mahself at home. Ah tell you, Ah didn't leave her house until the next day. Course, now she's avoidin' me n'all but no matter, Ah met a new best friend just the other day and she really cares about mah WHOLE life. Ah tell her everything..."

Wow, so she invests in relationships pretty quickly?

It sure looks that way. It also seems that she, well, can be a little obtuse when people find her a bit overwhelming.

This is good stuff Wally, but we still don't have enough to register a rating on the Truth-O-Meter scale so you're going to need to go back in. I want to find proof of whether she's truthful or not.

Well, I do have one clip from September 2012, just the month before she killed Ryan.

Oh really? Well, WTF Wally? Why are you holding out on me - get ON with it!

OK, OK Rolling clip: "Well damn it all. Here Ah am on gorgeous vacation in sunny Hawaii and Ah am out of cash. Men are supposed to be payin' for anything Ah want any damn time Ah want it. That Ryan is a sonamabitch for not supportin' me with credit cards. The nerve of him anyway. Oh well, Ah guess momma will always be there. Ah guess Ah best ask her. Hello, momma? yeah, Ahm runnin' just a little short on cash this month. Can you advance me some money before my next allowance? What for? Welllllllll...... lessee.....yeah, Ah need to go to an interview in Indiana. It's a real great opportunity that Ah just know y'all wouldn't want me to miss. Well, Ah cain't come visit right now Ah have to wait a few weeks until mah tan fades. Um, no Ah didn't say tan, Ah said until mah exams are ovah. Oh you CAIN??? Wunnerful! Just drop it right in my account, OK? Thanks momma! No that wasn't nothin' you heard - there ain't no beach party here! That's just the TV. OK gotta run! Bah now, momma!"

wow - so you're saying she lied to her mother? How do you know?

um - here. This was in there along with some others on the same day:

Wow yup - doesn't look much like Kentucky OR Indiana to me! OK, Wally, get your slick little ass back in there! I want more about the text messages and the days before the murder. Oh and check and see if she new anything about Miss Ohio, too. That'll be interesting.

Ok, Bunny - but you are going to get a helluva bill. I heard that the defense psychiatrists are getting $380 an hour. Trust me, mine will be higher.

Fine, Fine, just GO already!

OK, folks, thanks for joining me on Wally Worm's journey.  The little bastard's fees are going to make me install a Donation button soon - damn him!

I don't have enough info for the Truth-O-Meter Scale so far but thus far, I would give Shayna at least a 2 catfish rating.

Take that duckface.

That's all for today folks! Tune in next time when we do some more fishing!

Oh and I will be adding a really fun Donate button soon - leave your credit cards in your pocket though, we never accept cash donations.

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  1. Glad you and Wally are covering this story, Bunny. That chicks nuttier than a Fruitcake! I haven't seen her interrogation tape yet but I guess she says she shot him in the face so he could have the nose job he always wanted!

    Just another cold-hearted Biotch like Arias who can't take rejection.

    1. We'll be getting to the mall trip, pancaked and a nose job tomorrow!
