Blazing Pants

Blazing Pants
Blazing Pants are everywhere

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Shayna Hubers, the Final Chapter

Hey there! I'm back today with Wally, who in a case you missed the last post, is doing a little worm sleuthing inside Shayna Hubers' brain. It's a twisted dark and scary place, but Wally is charging me an arm and a leg for the inside scoop so I'm hoping we can finally get some sort of reading on the Truth-O-Meter today.

Hey Wally, welcome back. Whatcha got for us today? Hopefully you were able to dig deeper than the high school background?

Oh, for sure Bunny. After all, she's only a couple of years out of high school - not that she acts it. I found some info on her dating life. Pretty recent too, well, recent before jail that is.

Good point, she's been in jail since the night of the shooting back on October 12, 2012, right?

Right you are, Bunny, though she did try to pay off some judge to get her bond! That one backfired!

OK, OK Wally, at your rates, I can't afford for you to do a legal analysis, just get to what you dug up while you were in the brain.

OK. There was the whole obsession thing going on listen in:

OMG, OMG, Ah cannot believe that damned Ryan hasn't answered my text yet. Ah sent it like 30 seconds ago. OK, Ah'll send another, and another and another. DAMN IT! Ah hate him, Ah hate him, Ah hate him.

Oh, there he is. Oh, Ah love him, Ah love him, but Ah hate him for making me send him 75 texts in an hour just to get a reply. Ah mean, really. Doesn't he KNOW WHO AH AM? Ah mean, Gawd, he's even bitching to his cousin about me now and she's MAH friend, not his. The nerve of him.

OK so she's pretty obsessed with him then? Maybe conflicted about her feelings?

I wouldn't say that conflicted is an accurate description. Obsessed? Yes. Scorned? Oh yeah. Conflicted? Nah. That chick was good and pissed off. Listen in some more:

God damn it! Ah went to his folks for dinner and Ah still cain't get that man to act right! If he thinks he's gonna go out with that Miss Ohio slut, he's got another think comin'! Oh, mah God. He told me to leave and when Ah wouldn't he literally picked me up and put me outside and locked the damned door! Good thing Ah still got mah key. Ah'm gonna call Momma on him!

Wow so she was pretty mad then hunh?

Oh yeah, but her twit of a momma is no better; check out what else I found in that twisted head:

Well, Ah'm so glad momma came up to be with me. Ah told her he was bein' mean to me. So she came and took me out for a nice breakfast and some shopping! Shopping always cheers me up. So when she dropped me back off at mah car, I made her get me some gas and some aspirin and then Ah texted Ryan again. Well, Ah told him how sorry Ah was fer gettin' all emotional and stuff last night but he didn't want to hear it. He told me he wanted some time to himself this weekend but Ah KNOW he just wanted to be with that Ohio whore. He thinks she's so purty but Ah took psychology so Ah know how to handle her. And his ass, too.

Oh, so now this is the same day that she shot him? Wow, Wally you really went in deep!

Yeah. So the shooting part is kind of a blur, since she studied psychology and gave herself some PTSD symptoms. But holy shit, the 911 call and the police interviews were just nuts. I'm exhausted bunny. Let me take a break.

OK, Wally, take a load off and I can take it for a while. So according to the court testimony and the 911 calls, Shayna is really a nut case. She told the 911 operator that she killed her boyfriend in self defense, several times and asked if she was going to be arrested after waiting 15 minutes after the final shot to even call the cops.  When she told the dispatcher that she'd shot him because he was twitching and didn't want to watch him anymore the dispatcher was incredulous. She asked "So you shot him again instead of calling 911?"

When you listen to this - her concerns are very odd. She said twice that he tried to carry her outside and she wanted to get her things. This is anger - a lot of anger, not self defense.

Some of the choice excerpts that came up in trial were things she said to the cops during her interview immediately following the shooting;

"I honestly like shot the man in self-defense."

"He said, 'You're just a fucking hillbilly from Kentucky and I fucking hate you.' And I am. I guess the hillbilly came out in me, and I took up for myself,"

Of course she also told them that Ryan was so vain that she'd given him the nose job he always wanted, went on to compliment one of the police interrogator's teeth as well as humming a few bars of Amazing Grace between giggles. Of course, you could say that was self-comforting behavior or perhaps she thought she could convince people that she was temporarily insane what with her psych background.

However the text messages she sent to him and to her friends, showed that she wasn't crazy, she was just a self-centered bitch.

To Ryan; "You have a small dick and your tummy looks like you guzzle beer."

To a friend; "I think he knows now I play on his facebook hahaha and block shit."

and of course the infamous text messages about shooting Ryan while at the gun range and making it appear accidental.

I think it's clear to everyone that Shayna is guilty of murder, not shooting due to self-defense. The jury agreed and convicted her last week with a recommended sentence of 40 years in prison. It remains to be seen what the judge will ultimately decide is a fair punishment for her crime.

I think we can safely say that we give a Pants on Fire rating to little miss narcissist from NKU.

What swayed me was the fact that she repeatedly claimed to be putting this man out of his misery. This human being that she claimed to love, she shot repeatedly rather than render aid. When I had to put my cat to sleep recently, I was devastated and couldn't watch after the sedation. Think about it. I couldn't deal with watching my cat take her last breath but this murderer shot two more times? out of mercy? Whoop Whoop Whoop - the extreme heat warning is going off on the Truth-o-Meter so I'm going to wrap it up now.

RBMBS - That's all folks!

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Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Shayna Hubers' Brain Worm

Hey there. As promised, I sent a worm into Shayna Hubers' brain to see what was really going on with this chick and to report back to us. Sorry the report is a little late but Wally, my worm, tells me that there are some real storms a-raging in there so it's a perilous journey.

Hey Wally, how are you?

Oh man, it's some crazy shit in there, Bunny.

How so?

Whelp, you have to get through a lot of old stuff before you get to what's going on now. I brought back some recordings for you though. Picked up some stuff from high school first - you want that?

If you think it's relevant, sure!

Well, not sure how relevant it is to poor Ryan's death but at least we can start to paint a picture of who this chick Shayna is - or at least thinks she is.

OK -, er, sorry - you know what I mean.

Here Goes:

"Well, I cannot believe them girls just cain't see how special Ah aim. Ah mean, Ah got talent. Ah'm smart and Ah got musical abilities to boot. Them girls just don't respect me. Ah'll show them though!"

A little later on I got this from her later years in High School: "Ah aim the best looking girl in this whole school now, so long as Ah make sho that mah makeup is perfect and my rockin' hot booty is displayed properly. Them girls don't know that Ah aim just kissing up to them to go to those cool parties and steal their boyfriends! Hah, and Ah done it too. Them bitches are just jealous now. Ah kicked their butts on facebook for sho! Course, then I hadda take mah facebook profile down for a coupla days but that's no bother, Ah'll just pop back up with a new one and make some more friends. Now that Ah'm hot AND smarter than them, they's easily fooled. Oh and if that boyfriend of that popular bitch makes a stink, Ah'll just accuse him of rapin' me. Hell, I KNOW all them boys wanna do it to me anyways, so it's kinda like it's true!"

OK Bunny, I need a little break. This shit gets awfully deep in there.

Oh just a little more. I think we can see that she has real issues - maybe some self-esteem issues that she blames on everyone else? No one ever said she was fat but she seems to be obsessed with being so 'hot', right?

It's a little more than that though - OK, here goes: "Well, AH NEVAH! I cannot believe that mah best friend didn't invite me to her party! Ah heard about it and went over and knocked on the door - just sweet as can be, and she wadn't even gonna let me in! Can you believe it? Ah mean, Ah've known this girl for almost 3 whole weeks now! Ah've told her mah life story and all about them boys who want me and how mah daddy was mean to me and well, just everything about me. And now she has the nerve to treat me like this? Well, Ah'll tell you - with the all them people there, I was NOT about to walk away, so Ah just shoved on past and walked on into that party. Course, it was just a bunch of folks sittin' around smoking some pot 'n all but Ah had me a pill and got me a drink and Ah just made mahself at home. Ah tell you, Ah didn't leave her house until the next day. Course, now she's avoidin' me n'all but no matter, Ah met a new best friend just the other day and she really cares about mah WHOLE life. Ah tell her everything..."

Wow, so she invests in relationships pretty quickly?

It sure looks that way. It also seems that she, well, can be a little obtuse when people find her a bit overwhelming.

This is good stuff Wally, but we still don't have enough to register a rating on the Truth-O-Meter scale so you're going to need to go back in. I want to find proof of whether she's truthful or not.

Well, I do have one clip from September 2012, just the month before she killed Ryan.

Oh really? Well, WTF Wally? Why are you holding out on me - get ON with it!

OK, OK Rolling clip: "Well damn it all. Here Ah am on gorgeous vacation in sunny Hawaii and Ah am out of cash. Men are supposed to be payin' for anything Ah want any damn time Ah want it. That Ryan is a sonamabitch for not supportin' me with credit cards. The nerve of him anyway. Oh well, Ah guess momma will always be there. Ah guess Ah best ask her. Hello, momma? yeah, Ahm runnin' just a little short on cash this month. Can you advance me some money before my next allowance? What for? Welllllllll...... lessee.....yeah, Ah need to go to an interview in Indiana. It's a real great opportunity that Ah just know y'all wouldn't want me to miss. Well, Ah cain't come visit right now Ah have to wait a few weeks until mah tan fades. Um, no Ah didn't say tan, Ah said until mah exams are ovah. Oh you CAIN??? Wunnerful! Just drop it right in my account, OK? Thanks momma! No that wasn't nothin' you heard - there ain't no beach party here! That's just the TV. OK gotta run! Bah now, momma!"

wow - so you're saying she lied to her mother? How do you know?

um - here. This was in there along with some others on the same day:

Wow yup - doesn't look much like Kentucky OR Indiana to me! OK, Wally, get your slick little ass back in there! I want more about the text messages and the days before the murder. Oh and check and see if she new anything about Miss Ohio, too. That'll be interesting.

Ok, Bunny - but you are going to get a helluva bill. I heard that the defense psychiatrists are getting $380 an hour. Trust me, mine will be higher.

Fine, Fine, just GO already!

OK, folks, thanks for joining me on Wally Worm's journey.  The little bastard's fees are going to make me install a Donation button soon - damn him!

I don't have enough info for the Truth-O-Meter Scale so far but thus far, I would give Shayna at least a 2 catfish rating.

Take that duckface.

That's all for today folks! Tune in next time when we do some more fishing!

Oh and I will be adding a really fun Donate button soon - leave your credit cards in your pocket though, we never accept cash donations.

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Sunday, 19 April 2015

Welcome to Blazing Pants

Hey there, and thanks for joining me here at Blazing Pants. You remember me from Really Big Mean Bunny Slippers, I'm the bunny but with a fun new home here.

Catfish abound, especially with the proliferation of social networks. I hate catfish. I really do. But there are more than catfish out there. The Liars are a breed of their own. They come on all shapes and sizes and they have one thing in common; they're after something from you. The motivations for the lies can vary from the pond scum fish variety that get their kicks out of leading you down a garden path to their murky little swamps and maybe grabbing a few bucks on the way, to the really big Liars who want to fool you for personal gains such as - oh let's say getting away with murder, taking a country to war or getting really, really rich and famous.

I swiped the Truth-O-Meter from Politifact, because it's so freaking awesome and you will see, as with the bunny blog, there will be mockings as punishments.

The pond scum variety, I've covered fairly extensively in the original Really Big Mean Bunny Slippers blog and while they are annoying, hurtful and full of delusions of grandeur they have a screw loose somewhere and derive pleasure from deception. Maybe it inflates their sense of self-worth for a few minutes or perhaps they like to dig their catfish snouts into the false pity they generate from their ever more outlandish stories. These catfish, one can just pull up onto the bank out of the muck and watch them suffocate in the clear air around them.  Their pretenses, once brought to light, fade and die a natural death. Most likely they'll pop up again with a new scheme, a new identity and a whole new set of lies, though. A catfish, unless permanently stopped is like a cockroach, damned near impossible to obliterate.   Take Belle Gibson, for instance (she makes the big bad dog look like a simpleton at catfishing) who faked cancer in such a big way that she had a bestselling book and was in development with Apple itself for a new App when she was outed. Read about this chick here (keeping in mind that this was apparently NOT her first fraud!) Belle Gibson On the Truth-O-Meter-Scale gets a Pants on Fire rating.

On the other end of the Spectrum we have those folks like Dr Oz who is a dangerous (not that Belle and the dog are safe) Liar because he peddles snake oil cures and people may actually risk their health and lives buying in to his garbage, because after all, he's a doctor. Oprah said so. Dr Oz is currently learning to pay the price for being a Liar (to read about it click here) who will shill for any product based on the highest bidder, knowing full well, the crap he sells is worse than crap. It's shit. What makes him NOT a garden variety catfish is that we know who he is. He hasn't invented his life to make a buck. He's worse, he sold his real reputation for a buck. On the Truth-O-Meter-Scale, Oz gets a Pants on Fire rating.

And Finally the category I will discuss is those who personally inflict physical harm on others. They may be Liars to lure their prey as in the Christopher Lee/Erin Corwin case. Or they may be Liars by nature as in Stabby Arias. If you came here from the Bunny blog, you are already familiar with Stabby so no links or further explanations are necessary! We KNOW she gets a Pants on Fire rating on the Truth-O-Meter scale. Who I want to talk about is Shayna Hubers. Her case is eerily familiar to those who followed the Stabby Arias trial. I haven't heard all of the evidence yet, since the judge in her case is limiting media and social media coverage of her murder trial. That judge is a smart guy that learned from the circus in Arizona.

Shayna Hubers is on trial for the murder of her 'boyfriend' (I use quotes because others claim they had already split - sound familiar) who she murdered with 6 bullets on his own home and then claimed self-defense. Holy SHIT Batman - did she watch the Stabby Arias movie, like juror 17 and believe it was true? It was on the Lifetime Channel after all. I heard that all their stuff is true. Just like the Internet. Anywho - I cannot yet give her a rating on the Truth-O-Meter Scale since, well, there's a lot more to come.

Tomorrow, I will give you the story right from the horse's mouth. I sent in an earworm to nuzzle in her brain and report back. I'll give you the whole scoop. Initial reports are that she was saving him money on a nosejob. Honest. Would I lie to you?  I sure hope you'll join me for a completely tasteless and irreverent romp over catfish and Liars, the world over.

That's All Folks!

PS - While I am still your faithful Bunny, I no longer Piece the fuck out. It was really so 9th grade anyway. Now I bait hooks. See you soon!