Blazing Pants

Blazing Pants
Blazing Pants are everywhere

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Eat Me Babe, I'm GMO free.

I eat food. You probably do, too. I want to be healthy. You probably do, too. That makes us a target audience for some of the worst kind of fear-mongering, pseudoscience, mumbo jumbo snake oil salesmen around. I touched on good ole Dr Oz in my first post but if you haven't met Vani Hari - AKA (self proclaimed) Food Babe you are in for a comic treat. This chick is her very own Oz - as in wizard of Oz and she recruits munchkins to help spread her disinformation. She calls them the food babe army but they are as blind to her tricks as the munchkins were to the wizard.

Vani is the author of a blog called Food Babe and of a recently published book that is full of outlandish fear mongering about the safety of the food on your plate, yet promises to heal you in a mere three weeks. She happily publishes shopping lists of "babe approved food" along with recipes, all the while telling you the perils of not doing things her way. OK, so nothing wrong with eating healthy but scaring people out of eating perfectly safe FDA approved foods and into non-FDA regulated products IS wrong.

Let's start with the biggest issue for me; her credibility or lack thereof. I am flummoxed that anyone can put any stock whatsoever in what comes out of this chick's mouth. She has the gall to weigh in on every scientific aspect of food production (not to mention vaccines),  though she has zero scientific background.  You see, Vani used to be a coder - as in software nerd - with bad skin, a runny nose and more than a few extra pounds. Not uncommon for the stereotypical coder who sits for hours at a time, chugging mountain dew and eating M&Ms as if they were their own food group. I know coders. I've worked with a lot of them. But then Vani started eating right and exercising, lost the weight and cleared up her skin.  She claims all this is due to ridding herself of artificial flavorings and colorings, however. In one interview about her book she claims to have completely overcome all of her health issues, including allergies.

Fabulous. I applaud that but I guess the fat to thin diet book market was oversaturated so she embarked on a quest to blame her former physique on everything from pesticides to GMO and (cue the music) the dark conspiracy behind it all; Monsanto. I think she watched Food Inc one too many times and decided that the Monsanto corp was equivalent to Hitler's 3rd Reich. I mean, she did tweet that vaccines had been used as genocide. I kid you not. Her claims are absurd but since it's fear based, it can be effective to all those tin-foil hatters who are simply into confirmation bias.

But let's go back to the allergies and bad skin. If, indeed purging her kitchen of all evil chemicals (which includes any chemicals at all according to our food barbie - er babe), then why is she touting bizarre skin rituals and hawking skin care products on her site? In addition, why is she posting to facebook that her eyes are swollen due to allergies? Yeah, you smell a rat, too, don't you? Here's a link for you - if you can stomach watching it, the part about your blood circulating through your skin is quite amusing! Food babe skin crap.

You know I like to keep a sense of humor about these things, so let's take a look at some of her more comical assertions. My personal favorite was the post she made about the airline conspiracy to deprive you of oxygen onboard an aircraft to save money! OK, wait. I'm laughing again... She claimed in an article she posted in 2011, that the airlines were mixing as much as 50% nitrogen in with their oxygen and this would make you feel bloated aboard an aircraft. Seriously, I can't make this crap up! Any 5th grader knows that air comprises a mix of nitrogen and oxygen at about an 80% - 20% respectively. She later pulled the post, alternately saying it was an old post and saying, she had made an error.

No, that is not an error. An error is a misspelling or something, it isn't declaring the airline guilty of sabotaging its own passengers based on a ridiculous lack of understanding of the basics of natural sciences. For an absolutely hilarious reply to her airplane article - click here. It is so full of baseless blather that I can't even cover it all here!

Now, if she were simply stupid and touted her thoughts as opinion, that would be one thing. What she does is tout her opinions as fact and if anyone dare challenge or even <gasp> disagree; she labels you as a Monsanto shill and encourages her mob - er, "food babe army" to attack and discredit you all over social media. This is typical Dark Triad behaviour from a previous post.  She also makes claims about microwave ovens and irradiated spices that have no basis in fact whatsoever. She knows they are fake but she pushes them. Why? Because on her site she shills for 'natural' foods and other products, one of which had to be pulled from shelves for salmonella - wow, sounds healthy to me! She also wants to earn big bucks on her new book, written in conjunction with Dr Hyman ( a close pal of good old Dr Oz) - another woo peddler extraordinaire. She claims to use peer reviewed academic papers in her research, but I gotta tell you, if those peers are Dr Mark Hyman and Dr Mehmet Oz, then you'd better get to the bank, because any science they are selling you is designed and communicated to line their pockets. Nothing more, nothing less. (we'll talk more about the good Dr Hyman and his pals pictured here in a future post).

Now I've got nothing against eating right and leading a healthy lifestyle but when you take it to extremes to bash companies and proven science based on a random thought you had in the middle of the night while consuming contaminated coconut oil with a spoon; maybe, just maybe, you've gone off the deep end. That would be a compliment though I don't think our little naturopathic shill HAS gone off the deep end. I think she's in it for the money, and I'd love to check her sock drawer for a hidden cache of gummy bears.

But hey, you don't have to take my word for it - google her or here's an article to get you started from the Atlantic (and incidentally this is the most positive article from a reliable source that I could find.)

For these reasons and many of her public outright lies, we're gonna award her a big fat, way off the scale, 5-alarm, Pants-on-Fire.

So with that, I do believe I will eat a yoga mat and wash it down with a Starbucks Pumpkin Latte!

Click through for the truth on these campaigns.

That's all folks!

Ads By CrazyFoodBitches


  1. Good Job ReallyBigMeanBunnySlipper :)

  2. Thanks so much for this Bunny! I knew next to nothing about this Food Babe until you started talking about it, and this article really spells it out. I went on her site last night and read, rather, started to read, her article where she talks back to her critics. I think it is in one of the links here because that's how I found it. I couldn't even get through the whole thing! I could not get over how she excuses not having an education, and basically just pooh poohs the real scientists that do. She really must be THAT stupid if she thinks people believe that. But I guess, people do. We seem to live in a society where people need to be told what to think, and so they really will believe anything. From the simpleton catfish with a fake bullet hole in her leg and an unverified (because it's phony) heart problem to grandiose situations like this (an actually successful catfish), people will believe what they are told because they themselves are not educated or open minded enough to consider, or even seek, the truth. When someone lies this flagrantly, and frequently, you can tell a lot about the quality of their audience. Folks that buy what these liars are selling are obviously as uneducated and foolish as the liars themselves.
    This seems to be another one of those situations where the closed minded sheep are being misled, the blind leading the blind. I'm very wary of the intelligence of those that support these types, because there's always a hidden agenda. Barbie Army LOL I can't get over this chick. So is she done now, is she discredited enough to pack up and call it a day? Or is she trying to cling on to her minions and armies like the other catfish we know and keep going with this schtick? I can't imagine anyone that would keep following her with all of the criticism she has received but alas. Her following must be quite the collection of village idiots. Again, thank you for educating on just another blazing liar. Very well done!

    1. Thanks, Christine! She is quite the fish alright. Her methods are all about selling fear of the unknown. She knows what she's selling is junk science yet she preys on these people. The sad part is that part that can do real harm. Most of these people can ill afford her high-priced 'natural' alternatives, so it leaves me to wonder what they are skimping on instead. And don't even get me started on the vaccine issue. That poses real health risks to everyone, not just her sheeple.

  3. Here is some additional interesting reading - factual with a sarcastic bent - my favorite kind!

    1. Oh wow that is crazy! And amazing! Big fan of Asimov so I loved the quote right away, AND, all the awesome reference section. Thanks for pointing this out, I will be bookmarking this one! XO

  4. BESWICK. Before throwing stones--check out your own glass house! None if us have forgotten your prevarication regarding Maria DeLaRosa's assets being frozen...oh...yea...that's's all "hush-hush" because of a "book deal"....the only person believing your lies is you...what a piece of work!

    1. Yeah, Beswick is "shopping" her stories to "nationals"..lmao! I so agree with you, Drunken.....Neither of these two can go a day without referencing fish....weird.

    2. I have asked you before, Sandra to stick to the topic at hand. Please do so or I will not allow you to post again.

    3. I won't post again, but thanks for the heads up! I've never seen you try to post on my blog? But you are welcome to within reason, of course.

    4. Hey drunk lady....Did you even know the word prevarication existed before Bunny wrote about it? lol

    5. Sandra, want to know what's "weird"? That every time we say fish you think we are talking about you lol L'il bit of a touchy subject? lol Sometimes people just like fish, and sometimes people have lives where they don't care or think about you at all, ever. I get how hard that must be to accept from someone who slams her own deceased mother on mother's day. But it's true, whether you accept that or not. Out of respect to Bunny I will stay on topic by saying, I think I am going to go and slap together some fish tacos that are NOT recommended by the catfishing Food Babe.

      p.s. Bunny, your fish appies the other day looked simply divine. I am so in awe and jealous of your obvious talents. Can't wait to see where they take you :)

  5. oh Tovia. Did you not read what this story is about? It's not about you or Christine. Please crawl back to the dog pound or has it gotten too quiet since you started posting? I know I have a hard time staying awake through just about anything you write. Thanks at least for your brevity here, for a change.

    1. Do they know how to read? Or say anything other than their woes against us? Doesn't seem like they do. I am surprised the drunken frau stopped at 4 lines here, maybe her budweiser kegger was running dry or something. I could never read past a line or two. Clearly someone that has no idea what writing to an audience is about. Her Drunkenness loses the reader quickly.

  6. this is just for Vain Hair.
